During these tough times, many people are unable to know about the resources that are available near them. So at the moment when they or any of their close relatives are suffering from the same situation they are unable to make any spontaneous decision which results into delay of actions and ultimately the person succumbs to the diseases. We have created a WhatsApp chat bot which tells the people about the nearest resources which can help them. We can help people by telling them about the hospitals, taking care of day to day activities (food management, etc). With the help of basic commands the people will be able to access the bot easily which helps them when such sort of situation arises.
Add to Whatsapp View Bot CommandsAfter adding the bot to WhatsApp, type in "Join panda seven" to activate the bot.
Then you can use the following commands to use the bot.
Prevention is better than cure! During these tough time take these precautions to avoid the risk of getting exposed to Coronavirus.
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App Developer
App Developer